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You may have heard that Cathedral City Council took the first steps to abolish STVR in the City on August 26 with the first reading of proposed modifications to City ordinances.  There are two exceptions. 1. Homes located in neighborhoods governed by Homeowners Associations that permit STVR use and; 2. Home sharing vacation rentals where the home is the owner’s primary/principal residence and rents out a portion of the property.  Typically, home sharing is where the owner rents out a room or casita on their property.

To clarify, Montage Community Rules and Regulations (Click Here) and Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Reservations of Easements (CCRRE)  (Click Here) prohibit and STVR business of any type in Montage.  Property owners operating their property as an STVR are subject to both a Montage fine (up to $5,000/violation) and a City fine including payment of back license, Transient Occupancy Taxes and penalties.  The City Council has also requested staff implement new practices to increase and improve STVR enforcement.

For more information about view and download Montage governing documents by clicking here.  For City information on proposed ordinance changes Click Here or contact City Public Information Officer Chris Parman at For information on the current City STVR regulations Click Here. To report an STVR on the STVR Hotline at (760) 553-1031 or contact the City at Code compliance (760) 770-0309 seven days a week from 7 am to 6 pm. or online at