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Committee Structure

This Ad-Hoc Committee established by the Board in May 2021 after the Board received several resident inquiries and suggestions relative to the possibility of making enhanced landscape or passive recreation improvements to the site. The Committee is comprised of a Board-appointed chairperson, at least one resident owning property immediately adjacent to the basin, and any other residents volunteering to be a member of the Committee. The Committee will have one Board Member liaison and one Architectural Review Committee member liaison appointed by the Board,   The necessary continuation of the Committee shall be evaluated at the completion of each phase of the feasibility study which shall include a community survey phase, a conceptual design phase and a cost estimating phase. The Committee will make a final report and presentation to the Association membership at the March 2022 Annual General Meeting.



The purpose of the Ad Hoc Committee is to explore further resident interest in options for expanded landscape improvements to the Montage Detention Basin to make it a more valuable community asset that would add scenic interest, provide new passive recreational resources and further enhance Montage property values. The Montage Detention Basin is an approximately 14,000 sf stormwater detention basin (located in the southeast corner of Montage at the intersection of Van Gogh and Dali.  The site is part of the Montage at Mission Hills HOA-owned Common Areas.  The rectangular basin is approximately 6 feet deep as graded into a tub shape with slopes between 4:1 and 8:1 and a basin floor with a 1-3% grade. There are two surface structures (one drywall manhole and one outflow manhole).  The subdrainage system keeps the basin dry 350- 360 days are year.  A link to an aerial photo of the basin is provided below along with a panoramic movie view of the basin can be seen by Clicking Here or pasting this link into your browser.

The Committee shall at a minimum conduct a community survey to determine interest in expanding the use of the detention and then shall consider whether to move on to further stages of work that may include conceptual design and preparation of cost estimates. The Committee will submit completed work to the Board for review, comment, and authorization to proceed to the next phase of the study.


Guiding Policies

Committee activities are guided by the provisions related to the appointment and administration of Board committees as provided for in the CC&R’s, Board Bylaws, Board Policies, and the Board designated roles and responsibilities for the committee as established at the time of establishment.




The Committee will submit regular written and oral reports to the Board, generally on a bi-monthly basis in conjunction with regularly scheduled Board meetings.  Reports will be posted on the Committee website page and shared with adjacent homeowners associations.  Reports will provide a status report on study progress and bring to the attention of the board any issues which may impact Montage. Resources, reports, and other work products of the Committee shall be posted on the Montage at Mission Hills website.

Data Collection

The Committee will conduct a survey(s) and possible community workshops to explore resident interest in options for expanded landscape improvements to the Montage Detention Basin to make it a more valuable community asset that would add interest, provide new scenic resources, and further enhance property values. The Committee will collect geographic and geologic information,  resident attitude and interest data, site-related engineering, and landscape architectural design information, and development cost estimates and may involve meetings, and communications with City staff (Planning and Public Works Departments), and the developer and builder,  Work may include on-site visits and perimeter visual inspections.

Community Survey

The Committee will complete at least one community survey of all Montage homeowners to gauge interest in further study of the potential to expand the use of the Detention Basin.  The survey will be done electronically and the results reported to the Board and printed in the newsletter.

Conceptual Design

Should the Board authorize proceeding to the Conceptual Design Phase, the Committee shall prepare two conceptual landscape designs to illustrate options for expanding use for the detention basin including the location of any proposed landscaping, pathways, signage, activity areas, etc.  The purpose of the conceptual designs is to facilitate further community discussion and gauge interest in enhanced development of the detention basin.

Cost Estimating

Should the Board authorize the Committee to proceed to the Cost Estimating Phase, the Committee will prepare a basic estimate of construction costs of the proposed improvements and have the estimate verified by the Associations landscape maintenance contractor before presentation to the Board and the Association membership.

Budgeting and Finances

The Committee shall prepare an annual budget request for presentation to the Board in October based upon committee programming needs for the following year.  The Committee shall abide by all Association and Board policies related to the expenditure of funds,

Record Keeping

The Committee should keep any resource materials used in researching, developing, and making recommendations relative to the committee’s activities in electronic file format, stored on the Association website, or other suitable location, for future reference and use.


The Committee is not required to submit minutes, but if chooses to prepare meeting minutes or notes those document should be submitted (in draft or final form)  to the Board of Directors within 30 days of a committee meeting.


The Committee shall provide a written or oral report to the Board of Directors at each meeting of the Board as progress warrants. The information shall be captured and described in the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes.


The Committee shall periodically prepare brief informational updates for publication in the bimonthly Association newsletter to inform the general membership about the status of committee work.


The Committee shall prepare and present an annual Committee report at the Association’s Annual General Membership Meeting. The information shall describe the activities and accomplishments of the Committee during the year. The report will be archived on the Association website.


The Committee shall submit any proposed updates, changes, or additions to the Detention Basin Enhancement Program to the Board of Directors for review and/or approval.





The Committee meets electronically or in-person as necessary to successfully facilitate its activities. For more specific information about Committee activities or about servicing on the Committee contact the Committee Chairperson whose name and contact information can be found on the Board webpage by Clicking Here.


Committee Resources and Reports

Montage Detention Basin Photo Survey

The following is a rotating series of photographs taken in the Montage Detention Basin in June 2021 for the purpose of providing a visual reference of the site.



Montage Detention Basin Storm Water Impacts

The following are videos and images taken of the Montage Detention Basin and surrounding streets on August 20, 2023, during the estimated 3.63 inches of rain that fell during a roughly four-hour period of the Hurricane Hilary event.  The videos and images provide a visual reference of the performance of the stormwater functions of the site during a major storm event.  The videos were taken beginning at approximately 3:00 P.M. and demonstrated the accumulation of rainwater in the street flowing to the two catch basins located at the corner of DaVinci and Van Gogh. The rain discharge from all Montage Homes flows from yards to the streets and then along the street curb lines to the two catch basins.

You can begin to get an idea of how the Montage stormwater system works by viewing this video of rain flowing down Van Gogh and Da Vinci toward the Montage detention basin on August 20.  To view the video,  CLICK HERE

These videos demonstrate the highest water elevation during the Hurricane event. The official rainfall total at Palm Springs Airport was 3.05 inches over the 24-hour period on August 20.  The heaviest rainfall occurred between 2:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.  The water level in the detention basin was estimated to be three and a half to four feet in depth.  The basin has a design depth of approximately six and a half feet deep.

Video of the Montage detention basin at 3:10 P.M. after two hours of rain.  CLICK HERE.

Video of the Montage detention basin at 3:40 P.M. after peak rainfall amount as rain begins to stop and basin begins to empty. CLICK HERE.

Video of the Montage detention basin at 4:10 as water begins to subside.  CLICK HERE.


The following are engineering plans used in the design and construction of the detention basin. Click on the title of the plans to review and download the plans.

Montage Detention Basin Engineering Plans

Montage Detention Basin 2010 Modifications

Montage Detention Basin Dry Well Addition Memo

Montage Detention Basin Dry Well Addition Plans (Adding second drywell)


The following are images and other information associated with the design and periodic maintenance of the detention basin drywall. Click on the title of the document/image to review and download it.

Montage Stormwater Dry Well Components

Montage Dry Well Interior Video 19Jan24


The following are landscape architectural depicting the type and location of plants and the location of irrigation systems.

Montage Detention Basin Landscape Plans


The following are reports and surveys presented to the Montage Board of Directors relative to the potential for expanding use of the Montage Detention Basin.

July 2021 – Survey Results – Montage Detention Basin Use Survey

May 9, 2021 Report to the Board – Montage Detention Basin Use  

Montage Detention Basin Committee Detention Basin Report



The following is property ownership information related to the Montage Detention Basin, Lot R, Tract 29771, City of Cathedral City, Riverside County, California

Montage Detention Basin Property Info

Montage Detention Basin – Assessors Report

Montage Detention Basin Property Tax Info



This table contains resource files, plans, and studies related to low-impact development, sustainability, stormwater planning,  retention, and detention basin design, and environmental art for use in planning, designing, building, and maintaining the Montage detention basin.

Details Evaluation of multi use stormwater detention