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Answers to everyday questions



What trash is picked up on which day?
Tuesday for regular bulk household trash, recycled materials and yard waste (including grass clippings and other yard debris).  When one of the holidays is observed on a weekday, collections for the remainder of the week will be delayed one day. Burrtec Waste & Recycling Services observes the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

Each resident is provided three 96 gallon automated containers; maroon for regular household trash; gray for recyclables and green for green waste. Recycled materials no longer require sorting – just mix your recycling! You can place commingled recycling items in the gray recycling container. Green waste includes all yard trimmings: grass, tree branches, sawdust, green plants, weeds – basically all organic material generated from your yard work.

Who is our trash removal provider?
Trash removal service is provided by Burrtec. Their contact number is (760) 340-2113 or Click Here to be directed to the Burrtec website.
How do I dispose of bulky items?

When you are ready to place a bulky item at the curb for disposal, please call or e-mail Burrtec and schedule a pick-up time. Cathedral City residents are allowed to use this FREE service every week. The City and Burrtec Waste & Recycling Services request that you limit each scheduled pick-up to NO MORE THAN 4 ITEMS at a time.

Burrtec’s Customer Service Representatives will schedule your appointment for the next service day.

To schedule an appointment, contact Burrtec’s Customer Service Department at (760) 340-2113 or Click Here to be directed to the Burrtec website.

What is considered hazardous household waste?
For complete details on what is considered hazardous waste, and how to properly dispose of it, please Click Here.
How to I get a new or another trash, recycle or green waste container?
You may request additional free trash, recycling and green waste containers of any type by calling the waste removal company.

Please contact Burrtec at (760) 340-2113 or Click Here to request additional containers.

What are our trash pick up days — and what time may I place out trash?

Trash is currently picked up on Tuesdays in Montage. When the Fourth of July, Christmas, or New Year’s fall on a Tuesday trash is generally picked up the following day.

Trash, Recycle and Green waste containers should not be put out any earlier than Monday evening, and should be put away by Tuesday evening.

Will the waste company remove paint and other hazardous waste materials?

No. Latex paint will only be taken with regular trash if the lid is off the container and the paint is completely dry (with the inclusion of a paint hardener). Oil, chemicals, oil based paint, construction debris, bricks, concrete, household chemicals, etc. are never taken. They must be taken directly to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility at 1100 S. Vella Road, Palm Springs. Make sure to call the Facility in advance of your trip to verify days and hours of operation or Click Here for further information.