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What is the policy regarding noise and disturbances in Montage?

Montage at Mission Hills Rules and Regulations related to noise are in compliance with all City of Cathedral City Noise Ordinances in Municipal Code Section 11.90.  After reviewing the City noise ordinances, if you wish to make a noise complaint, please contact the City of Cathedral City Police Non-Emergency Number. You need to make the complaint yourself. The Montage Board cannot make the complaint for you. You can request to remain anonymous in making the complaint.

Please also notify the community manager of the issue so it can be added to the information data base.  If you obtain a police report related to the incident, please forward a copy to the community management company.  The Board may review the incident and request the property owner attend a violation hearing pursuant to the issuance of a fine.

Montage residents are reminded that they must comply with the Community and Rules and Regulations  and the City’s noise ordinance and residents are encouraged to report any violations that directly affect them.  Residents are entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their property.  Occupants should be cautious to not produce, or permit to be produced, any unreasonably loud noise, loud or unruley children or guests, music or sounds that may emanate for their residence, or lot or Common Area.  This is especially important after 10:00 PM and before 8:00 AM.

What is the Cathedral City Noise Ordinance?

The Noise Ordinance promotes a neighborhood environment free from noise that jeopardizes residents’ health or welfare or degrades their quality of life.

The ordinance generally prohibits making or knowingly and permitting noise to be made  unreasonably loud, unnecessary or unusual noise that disturbs the comfort, repose, health, peace and quiet or which causes discomfort or annoyance to any reasonable person of normal sensitivity. TV, radio, audio equipment, musical instruments, and animals that howl, bark, meow, or squawk frequently and habitually are generally declared a noise disturbance when plainly audible across property lines.

Violations of the Municipal Noise Ordinances are considered an infraction or misdemeanor and are subject to a fine in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for a first conviction of an offense; a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars for a second conviction of the same offense within a twelve-month period from the date of the first offense; and a fine in an amount not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars for the third conviction of the same offense within a twelve-month period from the date of the first offense. The fine for a fourth and any subsequent convictions of the same offense within a twelve-month period from the date of the first offense shall be one thousand dollars.