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Board of Director's Honor Roll

Montage at Mission Hills Homeowners Association Leadership

The Montage at Mission Hills Homeowners Association has had the good fortune to have many fine leaders throughout its history. The following is Montage at Mission Hills Homeowners Association Board of Directors Honor Roll of those individuals to whom we wish to give recognition and extend our sincere appreciation for their leadership and service to the Association.

Montage Community Managers Since 2003  
Tony Marino May-02 to Oct-04
Dayton Dickey  Oct-04 to Feb-07
Bobbie Stone Feb-07 to Aug-07
Shelly Ruegsegger Aug-07 to Nov-07
  Mar-15 to PRESENT
Jennifer Zeivel Nov-07 to Mar-15
Montage at Mission Hills Board Members Since 2003
Al Chavez Jan-03 to Mar-04
Judge Frank Mitchell Aug-04 to Mar-07
Pam Price Aug-04 to Mar-05
Tom  Tousignant Mar-04 to Mar-23
Lars Hanson Mar-05 to Sep-07
Jerry Stamper Jul-05 to Mar-13
  Mar-14 to Feb-15
Vincent “Skip” Sanchez Jul-05 to Mar-11
Robert Wills Mar-07 to Sep-08
Lee Ann Ellenz Sep-07 to Mar-10
Sandy Nips Sep-08 to May-13
Candy Kaufer Mar-10 to May-11
Curtis Beyer Mar-11 to Jan-16
  Mar-18 to Jun-21
Lloyd “Nick” Nickerson Mar-11 to Mar-14
  Mar-16 to Mar-24
Robert Fouyer May-11 to Mar-15
Michelle Madison May-13 to Mar-16
Mary Weiler Mar-15 to Mar-16
Thomas Reed Feb-15 to Apr-15
Leo Schlesinger Apr-15 to Mar-16
  Sep-17 to Mar-19
Alan Horwitz Mar-16 to Mar-20
Scott Reese  Mar-17 to Jul-17
Gary Roman Mar-17 to PRESENT
Tony Michaelis Mar-19 to PRESENT
Norm Giere Mar-20 to PRESENT
Thomas Harp Jul-21 to PRESENT
Sue Johnson Mar-24 to PRESENT