Here you will find meeting agendas and informational blogs with useful neighborhood information and updates from the association officers, committee chairpersons, and contributing editors.
The summer is here and the heat and the drought are things we seem to be constantly reminded of in conversations and the media. Most of us have taken measures to conserve and scale back our water usage but we still see water run off and seeming indifference to the guidelines imposed by the Governor and the Coachella Valley Water District.
As we look for ways to cut water usage we seem to have been forcefully encouraged as the newly installed pumps for the fountains at both gates were stolen during the Memorial Day Weekend. Yes, we have insurance against this kind of loss but it is disconcerting to have this happen. We have heard the usual suggestions toward additional security efforts. Thefts like this are seldom prevented nor solved by any of the many options available to us. All can be defeated relatively easily and as we have seen throughout the valley . . . When someone wants to get something through theft, they can and seldom do they ever get caught or convicted. Our most effective action is to take a photo when we see something being done and then share it should something be reported. We are our own heroes and security system. In our digital age this is a great way to note things happening around us as we never know if it may be the key to solving a situation.
The Board has received an estimate of approximately $3,500 for replacing the pumps. Given the current focus on water conservation the Board will be considering the conversion of the fountains to planters (with the possibility of restoring the fountain functionality in the future) at the July Board meeting. If you have options or input you would like the Board to consider email the Community Manager, Shelly Ruegsegger, or please attend the meeting.
Also at the July Board meeting the Board will be considering the conversion of the grass area at the Gerald Ford DaVall corner to desert scape. While we are not using much water on the grass, it will possibly be a future pubic relation/image problem for Montage not to take this water conservation action.
If you ask any resident, “What do you want the Board to do?” The response usually focuses on something someone is doing that the respondent doesn’t like. Whether it is parking, types of vehicles, garage doors, landscaping, pets, and etc. There can follow a rather impassioned discussion of rules that should be made and actions that should be taken, including court action, to prove that the Board has “Power” and “Teeth” behind their words. Often, these comments are from residents that do not attend annual meetings, do not read the newsletters, do not know or communicate with their neighbors and complain about what others should do.
As a Board . . . We are legally bound to put our personal opinions subservient to the actions to take in the best interest of the HOA. I know there are things each of us may feel strongly about and would like to see addressed but . . . When you think about a corresponding rule you also have to think about enforcement. One needs to realize that existing local, state and federal laws and regulations, ordinances and definitions as well as interpretation and application of those statutes can limit actions to be initiated or taken.
As we get ready to distribute the updated (and in a few instances changed) CC&Rs, We would ask you to think of the entire CID / HOA (Common Interest Development / Home Owner Association) and look to the overall purpose of this document. We also have By-laws and Rules and Regulations that support the overall guidelines we have put in place to set an agreed upon life‐style in which we want to live.
Any action taken, and guideline enforced, any fine levied is in accordance with these agreed upon documents. These are not to be used as weapons and means with which to ‘go after’ someone. And of course now matter how will written, there are always grey areas and exceptions as the world evolves and things change. Not everything will conform to the ideas and best intentions of documents so interpretation and application of these guidelines are not always clear‐cut and considerations of daily life intrude on the black and white interpretations that seemly should be so easy to apply.
The Board, in concert with our advising attorney and the property management company, has partnered to bring to you a set of CC&Rs conforming to all the changes in state law and which reflects changes and challenges of community living.
Another change has taken place as Mr. Robert Fouyer has resigned as a board member. He will continue working with the Architecture & Landscape committee until a new chairperson can be found. Ms. Mary Weiler has been duly appointed by the Board to fill the remaining term of Mr. Fouyer. Mr. Leo Schlesinger has been appointed to complete the term of newly appointed Board member, Thomas Reed who resigned due to increased business time commitments.
A few weeks early and the warmer temperatures have the growing season off to a great start. Now is the time to start looking to our landscapes and our bushes and etc. to get a head start on the invasive insects and infestations that really hit our hedges and plant hard last summer. Washing them off and watching for ash white fly, mealy bugs and cochenille will be a weekly task if you want to stay ahead of problems. The build up of dust mixing with the sap the plants release when infested becomes an ever more devastating cycle.
Don’t be fooled by the recent light rains, the drought continues and conservative use of water is ever more important. We are continuing to see this resource flowing off of lawns and down the gutters. We all have a responsibility to find ways to help each other take action to prevent this as much as we can. Water conservation requires ongoing attention and absentee landlords and/or over zealous gardeners my not be aware of the water waste or the need to periodically adjust irrigation cycles to compensate for soil moisture content, lawn slopes and the cyclical water requirements of desert plants. The result of overwatering can lead to the unnecessary water waste and ultimate pavement edge damage. Overall . . . We in Montage are doing better but there are still residents not seemingly able to address the problem fully. Please check and adjust your irrigation systems quarterly.
We have a new manager at PPM looking to facilitate our interaction with them. Shelly Ruegsegger and her assistant Jasmine Meze will be taking our calls and providing the many services we often take for granted from our management company. Jennifer Zeivel has taken a new position with another company and we wish her success in her professional pursuits. Shelley had served as the manager for the Montage prior to Jennifer taking the job so we will have experienced personnel working with us.
Another change has taken place as Mr. Jerry Stamper has resigned as a board member. He will still be working with the Emergency Preparedness and Neighborhood Watch committee chaired by Mr. Michael Gialdini. Mr. Thomas Reed has been duly appointed by the board to fulfill the remaining term the Mr. Stamper is leaving.
The Annual Meeting for the Montage at Mission Hills Home Owners’ Association will be held on Saturday, March 21st, in the meeting room at the rear of the Children’s Museum located at 71701 Gerald Ford Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. It is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will have our usual potluck lunch. We look forward to seeing as many of our homeowners as possible and urge you to bring your favorite potluck dish. It is a great opportunity to meet old and new neighbors. We ask that you call Donna Tousignant at 760-321-9271 and let her know what dish you might be bringing so we can be sure to have all of the meals bases covered. If you would like to volunteer to help with the set up and take down, Donna is also the key person to call . . . Help is always welcome.
Well . . . We have a new year before us. A new budget is in place and as I learned in three different legislative updates / seminars, there are law revisions and new laws that add to those already in place regarding HOAs and their responsibilities, limitations and rules with which to function. Many of the changes affect our HOA only slightly, if at all. However, there are a few we will be working with having to do with solar water heating / power installations, water use restrictions due to the ongoing drought and fruit tree maintenance associated with vermin they potentially may attract.
Homeowners with fruit trees are required to harvest fruit when ripe to reduce there potential to attract rats in areas where rats have been a problem (That includes Montage). Water conservation is an increasing focus and so there have been legislative actions associated with natural turf and landscape conversions to drought tolerant landscapes including regulating the use of synthetic turf including regulations associated with synthetic turf characteristics such as turf color, composition, materials and installation technique.
Changes in regulations related to the design, location and appearance of solar panels will make it increasingly more difficult to maintain the architectural integrity and cleaning styling and appearance of Montage homes and will require more thoughtful planning and cooperation of homeowners.
These changes may necessitate the Board consulting experts in design and engineering fields to review variance requests and plans for these types of major landscape and solar changes. The Board will be reviewing our current guidelines in all areas to assure compliance with current legislation. Distribution of these amended guidelines will be posted to our website and distributed to all homeowners as they are revised.
Comments / Complaints / Misinformation
These last few months have seem to have presented more derogatory comments, complaints and mis-information targeted at the Board than at anytime I can remember. Unfortunately there have been instances where inaccurate, negative and hurtful information has been circulated regarding the responsibilities and work of the HOA Board and myself. I think everyone can understand that, intended or not, the spread of this type of erroneous information and imprecise accusations can be damaging to the reputation of Montage and the cohesion of our neighborhood.
As a Board we are charged with operating the HOA in a business-like manner, according HOA policies and bylaws. The Board are not experts, not realtors, escrow agents, property managers and but rather regular people and volunteers attempting to work for the general welfare and mutual good of all. I think anyone who has been a member of a public serving organization probably understands that it is not always easy or possible to please all of the people all of the time.
For example when homes are sold . . . the Board doesn’t necessarily receive that information any sooner than any other resident. We are not responsible for remote keys, HOA documents, gate codes, utility connections and etc. Previous owners, representing realtors, property management and escrow companies each play a role and have these responsibilities. Both the Board and I will continue to do our best to help inform and facilitate where possible, but this is not purpose of the Board.
We strive to be responsive and available to every resident and endeavor to gently remind residents of guidelines we all have agreed to live by virtue of our ownership in Montage. Board members have taken an oath of ethics, and as you can probably imagine, spend many hours working behind the scenes doing the tasks required of us by law; by the responsibility to our positions on the Board and committees; and, participating within external organizations that enhance our understanding and skill to more effectively carry out the work of the Montage HOA Board.
I feel confident in assuring you that the current Board is comprised of self-less and service oriented individuals whose only interest is in protecting your investment. They do not assume they know everything there is to know about HOA management, but they are open to learning. Remember . . . They/We are volunteers and receive no compensation nor special privileges nor reimbursement for the work they do.
If you are unclear or uncertain about HOA matters . . . if you hear something egregious or perhaps unbalanced or counter to your recent understanding or good reasoning…. please check with myself or another Boardmember to see if what you heard is correct, accurate or true.
I must begin this newsletter on a sad note. Some of you may have heard, resident Fred Donnell of Dali Drive passed away October 13th following a 10 year battle with cancer. I’m sure I speak for all of us in offering our heartfelt condolences to his wife Jacky.
Welcome back to those who have been away! For all of us it is time to take a deep breath as once again we face a holiday season and the year’s end. Each of us have a list of things this time of year to do, but as a HOA community we also have a list of things to do. Trees have grown and have become too low for street cleaning vehicles to pass under and have a real need to be pruned / thinned out to once again be safe and to allow winds to pass through. Many of our yards need to be observed as they may begin to appear as over grown or over planted. DG (decomposed granite) may need to be replenished, and maintenance on of our watering systems for the lower water demands of the upcoming months. With our drought situation it becomes more important than ever.
It is a good time to critically look at our homes as painting and maintenance projects often sneak up on us. Being proactive always feels better than to have someone else prompt us to take care of these things sooner rather than later. It is important to take a moment to also see how our plantings and trees are affecting our neighbors. When hedges are trimmed be sure to retrieve the cuttings that fall in the neighboring yards or on the exterior perimeter. Some of our gardeners seem not to notice.
We have upgraded the phone system at the gates so they can now connect with cell phone numbers. This will allow an option of not having a ‘land line’ to your home and having the gate phones connect to what ever cell phone number you have. It is also a great time to let PPM as well as your Board of Directors update your owner information as to phone, internet, and etc. so we can all remain current. An email covering this basic data can be sent to PPM or to me . . . We do not share your information. We also invite you to use for a more community based network. It is free and you can set your communication preferences not only as to who received your postings but also the posting you want to receive. If you want an invitation you can email me in that regard as well.
JoAnn Horwitz, Welcome Committee Chair, and Michelle Madison, Board of Directors, have arranged a holiday party for all of us at our Mission Hills Country Club on December 6th, from 4 – 6 p.m. This will be our third annual holiday party. There is an article about it further on in this newsletter.
Please remember that our streets are also our sidewalks. Be really careful at corners and leave extra room as you go around them as most are blind corners. There have been and reports of cars moving far too quickly and cutting corners. There has already been one accident as well as many close calls. The posted speed limit can be far too fast to travel upon our streets. This is even more important as more of our residents are back and walking or riding bicycles. Remember too, that parking should be up on the curb with the gutter being spanned by our vehicles to allow water to flow freely and not flow out into the streets.
We find ourselves in the last part of the summer. We have had some short but significant cloud bursts delivering a high volume of precipitation in a short duration filling our streets and causing an accumulation for a few hours in the retention basin. It was great to see that changes made to it a couple of years back have it working as it should. (Thank you Nick Nickerson)
I have included a short summary of the Water Use Regulations that began on August 1st. We have worked to address the automatic watering overflow for some of our residents over the past months and in light of the new restrictions . . . These still occurring flows become more and more of a concern. As the water flows in our gutters the accumulating leaf matter dams the streams in places where they eventually cause degradation of our street surfaces. So, even these seemingly minor over watering become something affecting us all, and the life and cost of maintaining our streets.
If we/you have neighbors that are seasonal or away much of the time . . . Please let them know or let the gardeners know that the watering needs to be adjusted. There are situations where the sprinkler heads do overlap hard surfaces and at times it can’t be helped. However, shorter time for watering or a different frequency of watering can help. By water standards here in the valley . . . Most lawns are being overwatered.
As the summer winds down we will also find attention turning to the pruning of trees. In walking around the Montage we can see trees growing low over the street causing difficulty for the street sweeper and delivery vehicles to pass. Attention needs to be paid to make sure the trees are pruned/shaped rather than improperly topped. Many of us have replaced fast growing inappropriate plantings with those more in keeping with our climate and watering concerns. Be sure to check with the Architecture and Landscape Committee before making changes.
Once again we are getting complaints regarding pets and the inappropriate use of lawns and property of homeowners. Even if the droppings are picked up . . . It is still contrary to our rules to let them be on others’ property. The only common areas in which they can do their duty is on the streets, the retention basin and the perimeter. Of course, droppings must be retrieved and disposed properly. No one wants to have to be a policeman in the enforcement of these guidelines but if reported we have to follow through with fines and etc. Please be respectful of other people’s property.
We want and need more residents to become involved in the various committees here in the Montage. Usually this involvement takes very little time but makes a major impact for all of us. Let me or other board members or committee people know if you are willing to step up and take part in the betterment of the Montage.