Here you will find meeting agendas and informational blogs with useful neighborhood information and updates from the association officers, committee chairpersons, and contributing editors.
July 13, 2019 – Architectural Review Committee Meeting Agenda
Saturday, July 13, 2019
1:30 PM
Committee Meeting at the home of: John Geary-Chair
36-266 Dali Dr.
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Call to order
Approve Minutes from June 14, 2019 Meeting
New Variance Request:
36269 Chagall Court – Exterior Painting
Committee Operations:
Committee Membership
Review CC&R’s, Board Policy, Rules & Regulations; Landscape Standards/Guidelines, Activity Calendar, Photo Inventory, Newsletter Article Archive
Paint Policy – Update
Perimeter Landscape Review
Inspections – Review Lighting Inspection, set calendar
Committee Charter (Instruction Manual) Development
Discussion of any items not on agenda
NEXT MEETING: Saturday, August 10, 2019, 1:30PM, Location:TBD
June 14, 2019 – Architectural Review Committee Meeting Agenda
Friday, June 14, 2019
8:00 – 9:30 AM – Perimeter Landscape Walkthrough-Meet at Detention Basin
9:30 – 10 AM – Committee Meeting
Committee Meeting at the home of: Tony Michaelis-Board Liaison
36-130 Chagall Ct.
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Call to order
Approve Minutes from April 12, 2019 Meeting
New Variance Request:
36315 Dali Drive – Front Landscape (SEE ATTACHED)
36201 Artisan Way – Front Gate
Committee Operations:
Committee Membership – Choose Chair and discuss member recruitment
Paint Policy – Review Board Feedback – Possible Motion
Perimeter Landscape Review
Inspections – Landscape Walkthrough Update, Lighting Inspection Schedule
Committee Charter (Instruction Manual) Development
Discussion of any items not on agenda
NEXT MEETING: Saturday, July 13, 2019, 1:30PM, 36130 Chagall Court
Presidents Notes May / June 2019
Another year, another term as President.
First of all- thank you all for participating in the Annual HOA Meeting last month!
I’d like to welcome Tony Michaelis to the Board and also THANK Leo Schlesinger for his dedication to Board.
This week you will begin seeing your new black streets. Remember that you may not start to enjoy using them for at least 24 hours following application of the slurry seal. For a week or more avoid turning your wheels unless your vehicle is moving. This will scar the newsurface. Don’t stop and turn, let your vehicle roll slowly while you turn.
Ready to get hot? The summer heat is going to begin in earnest this month. And with the heat the desert plants are going to be in full bloom. As far as Montage is concerned this means time to trim palm trees. The Board will be approving the pruning of the perimeter and entrance palm trees at their May 10 meeting. Homeowners should also be scheduling the pruning of their palms.
Also at their May 10th meeting the Board will be acting on the community feedback received at the Annual Homeowners Meeting last month. This includes reviewing proposals for options to improve lighting of the new palm tree crowns. Be patient, there are only 10 of the total of 56 new perimeter palms that have been installed to date. The other 46 will be installed over the next 8 years in accordance with the approved plan.
The required comment period for homeowner feedback on the proposed updated Painting Policy will be concluding soon. If you have comments/suggestions for consideration by the Board prior to adoption of an updated Painting Policy they need to be submitted to Shelly at PPM . The proposed updated policy is available on the Montage website
Presidents Notes – March / April 2019
Spring is almost here. The most pleasant time in the Coachella Valley. The winter rains are nearly over and the summer heat has not kicked in. Enjoy it to the fullest. We should have a bumper crop of desert wildflowers beginning any day now.
The Annual Homeowner’s Meeting is coming up shortly. Make sure to plan to attend. It is one of the few opportunities you have to meet and catch up with many of your fellow Community neighbors. See article below for more.
The Board will be selecting the contractor to perform necessary street maintenance at their March 14th meeting. This is necessary every 3 to 5 years to optimize the life of the asphalt pavement. The Reserve Study currently is programming reconstruction of the street in approximately 2031. That planned date could be impacted significantly if the recommended maintenance program is not followed. So please do not get upset with the inconveniences surrounding the maintenance effort. And enjoy your nice black streets again.
You should be receiving your ballots for the 2019 Board election. This year’s election only has only 3 candidates submitting self-nomination forms for the 3 available Board positions. It will not have the suspense like that expected for the 2020 Presidential election. The good news is you will not be subjected too much campaigning.
Do not confuse this lack of suspense with any decrease in the importance of your ballot. The ballots submitted will be used to establish the required quorum for the meeting. If insufficient ballots are submitted the meeting will be required to be adjourned and reconvened again within 30 days. This would result is significant additional effort and some additional cost to you. Also, the Association made a “profit” of nearly $8,000 for the 2018 calendar year. This means that the ballot item for approval of the IRS Resolution to carry that profit forward into our operating budget will reduce our potential future tax liability.
To conclude, prepare to suck it up during the street maintenance and put out for the Annual Homeowner’s ballot and meeting.
Presidents Notes – January / February 2019
Happy New Year! As the New Year springs with hope for a harmonious and fruitful coming year within our community!
At our January meeting, the Board will be taking necessary steps for the March Annual Homeowner’sMeeting. At that meeting, three Board positions will be elected to serve the following two years. Self- nomination forms will be sent to all homeowners in early January. Ballots for the election will also be sent in February. If you believe there is a need for any propositions, to be included on the ballot for a vote by the community, please send the item to Shelly, our Community Manager, before the end of January.
The A & L Committee is in the process of developing an update to the current Board Painting Policy. Their initial proposal will be discussed at the January 10th Board meeting. They will be proposing more color pallets as options for painting homes within Montage.
The Board has again requested the annual arborist study of the perimeter palm trees to be discussed at the January Board meeting. This will become the basis of work on the perimeter Palm Tree Plan for this coming year. As previously stated the Board energetically began the ten year program last year and spent the first two years of planned funding for necessary projects to remove current dangers and extend the life of the remaining palms. Therefore, only minimal work will be done during 2019 in order to build up the reserves.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the March 23rd Annual Homeowners Meeting.
Presidents Notes – May / June 2018
By Tom Tousignant, President
Another year, another President. I’m back as your President.
If you haven’t heard, Nick Nickerson did not run in the 2018 Board election. He revealed his reason after the election – he is moving. This is a significant loss to the community. Nick has served on the Board for two terms. During 2011 and 2012 as Treasurer, 2013 as Vice President. Then again in 2017 as President. He has provided significant contributions of his Civil Engineering expertise in the design and construction supervision of the drainage system to eliminate “Lake Montage”, remediation of the slope failures in the detention basin and the annual survey of the community assets for the Reserve Study.
Most directly effecting all of you – he has been the sole person that has been programming your vehicles for entry into the Montage gates and assisting in programming you garage door openers. Until someone step up to volunteer to continue this task it may become quite expensive for individual homeowners requiring this service.
Now moving forward I hope that the new Board and I can lead the community to be a better place. But we cannot do it without you help. We are in need of volunteers to participate in the operation of the community. And, most important, we need your input on problems you observe within the community. This includes relaying problems with the gates, fountains, landscaping, etc. Also, problems with community service providers including PPM, Burrtec, Conserve LandCare, Martin Sweeping, etc. And most important problems/conflicts between homeowners or groups within the community – with a recent change in the State law the Board now has some responsibility to address this type of problem. But to address any of the above problems we need you to report them in an accurate, timely manner.
Please see the Contact Information at the end of every Newsletter for where you can report problems.
I look forward to a productive year of participation by all in making Montage at Mission Hills the community we are envied for living in.
Presidents Notes – Mar / Apr 2018
Written By Nick Nickerson
Hello Neighbors! I hope this newsletter finds each of you well.
My term on the Board is once again coming to an end. As this will be my last Presidents Message, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank each of you for putting your trust and faith in me during the past two years. Montage at Mission Hills is truly a great place to live. While I am not able to commit the time to continue my service on the Board, I will continue to volunteer and help the Board where I can.
I’m proud of the support the Board has received from its Homeowners during the last two years. Withyour help, the Board was able to Amend and Restate the CC&Rs and Bylaws, and Adopt a new rule andfine schedule for “Leasing of Lots”. The Board has also developed options for the removal and replacement of the date palm trees that line our perimeter which will be presented for your consideration at the March 17, 2018 Annual Homeowners Meeting.
According to the Arborist Report, it is necessary to replace all 108 Date Palm Trees along our perimeter within the next 5 to 10 years. Please take a moment to read the “Palm Tree Plan Surcharge”Article presented in last month’s Newsletter. The Board hired a professional Landscape Architect to develop our Date Palm Tree Removal and Replacement Program (Program). The Program will consider the cost effectiveness of replacing the trees in-kind or if the landscape palette should or could be adjusted to reduce the number of palm trees, and/or group them in certain areas along the perimeter. The Landscape Architect has prepared three options, which range in cost from approximately $200,000 to$500,000, for the community’s consideration.
This year’s Annual Homeowners Meeting will be held on March 17, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. at the City of Cathedral City Public Library. Doors open at 10:00 am. By now each of you will have received a Ballot Package. Your ballot is very important. The ballots returned will be used to help establish a quorum to officially conduct the meeting, to appoint new Board Members and adopt the routine IRS Revenue Rulings along with last year’s Meeting Minutes. Please be sure to complete your Ballot and return it tothe Property Manager, or bring them to the Annual Meeting.
I look forward to seeing each of you at our Annual Meeting in March.
Presidents Notes – Jan / Feb 2018
Written By Nick Nickerson
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope this newsletter finds each of you well.
It’s hard to believe that 2017 has come to an end. This past year has been a very busy year for ourcommunity. During the past twelve months, your Board of Directors focused much of its attention on: presenting the Amendment and Restatement of the CC&Rs and Bylaws for your consideration and vote;preparing and adopting a new rule and fine schedule for the “Leasing of Lots”; and developing options forthe development of a Date Palm Tree Removal and Replacement Program.
The new Bylaws were adopted by the community on October 14, 2017. In accordance with the newBylaws, two directors’ terms will expire in 2018. The two open board seats have been placed on the Association’s annual ballot and be filled during our Annual Membership Meeting in March 2018. All of our homeowners are encouraged to serve on the board. Interested candidates should complete the Self Nomination Form and return it to the Community Manager on or before February 1, 2018.
As reported in the November Newsletter, the proposed CC&Rs did not pass with the new Bylaws. The CC&Rs provide that they can only be amended with the approval of 67% of the Associations total voting power (different than the Bylaws). However, received approval by more than 50% of our homeowners, and 83% of those owners who did vote. Considering 78 of the 128 homeowners voted in favor of the proposed CC&R, the Board has filed a Petition with the Superior Court of the State of California to reduce the percentage of members necessary to approve the proposed Amendment of the CC&Rs. The Hearing on the Petition is set for January 11, 2018, at 8:30 a.m. in Courtroom PS1 at the Riverside County Superior Court in Palm Springs.
During last year’s Annual Membership Meeting the attending homeowners made it clear to the Board thatvacation rentals were creating noise, traffic and general disruption within the community, and were not compatible with, nor desired within our community. As a result, the Board adopted Rule M. Leasing ofLots. Rule M. states that “No owner may lease his or her residence for transient or hotel purposes,defined as a lease for a term less than (30) days”. The purpose and effect of the proposed new rule willrestrict owners from leasing their homes for a period shorter than 30 days.
Shortly after Rule M. was adopted, the board received a formal challenge from one of our homeowners. The Board was unable to resolve the matter during Mediation. As a result, the matter will likely end up being resolved through the Court system.
Presidents Notes – Nov / Dec 2017
Written By Nick Nickerson
Hello Neighbors.
The reconvened Special Meeting of our Members was held on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. at the offices of Personalized Property Management in Cathedral City. A quorum was reached with 94 ballots received before the polls closed. The following represents a summary of the special ballot:
Bylaws – Passed (65 Yes Votes Required)
79 Yes Votes
10 No Votes
5 Abstain Votes
CC&R’s – Did not pass (86 Yes Votes Required)
78 Yes Votes
12-No Votes
4 Abstain Votes.
In accordance with Section 7.3 Term of Office presented in the new Bylaws, two directors’ terms will expire in 2018. Subsequently, two board seats will be open and placed on the Associations annual ballot. All of our homeowners are encouraged to serve on the board. Interested candidates should contact the Community Manager for more information.
While unfortunate that the proposed Amendment and Restatement of the CC&Rs did not pass, the Community will continue to operate “business as usual”. As I have reported in the past, the updated language did not include additional conditions or restrictions, nor did it eliminate the conditions and restriction we all agreed upon when we moved into the community. The Community’s Rules and Regulations, as amended, will also continue in place.
On a different note, the Board acting as the Finance Committee is preparing the Annual Budget and Reserve Study Update. You will be getting these updated documents as part of the annual mailing in December. The biggest change to our budget and reserve study is related to the removal and replacement of the Date Palm Trees within the Association’s common area. According to the Arborist Report, it is necessary to replace all 108 Date Palms within the next 5 to 10 years. Please take a moment to read the “Palm Tree Plan” Article presented in this Newsletter.
The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 9:30AM. Homeowners are always welcome and encouraged to attend.
Presidents Notes – Sep/Oct 2017
Written By Nick Nickerson
Hello Neighbors. I hope this Newsletter finds each of you in good health.
One of the most important things we do as residents living within a Homeowners Association is express our opinion on changes or updates to our Governing Documents and our Rules and Regulations. Combined these documents set the stage for how we agree to conduct ourselves within the community.
By now each of you have received the Ballot Package to register your vote on our proposed Bylaws and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). The Ballot Package includes: the Notice of Special Meeting; the Voting Instructions; the Secret Ballot; and the Amended and Restated CC&Rs and Bylaws.
As a reminder, a Special Meeting of our Members will be held on Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral City Library, located at 33520 Date Palm Drive, Cathedral City, CA 92234.
The poles will be open from 10:15AM and closed at approximately 10:40AM. Doors will open at 10:00AM. If a quorum has been established, the ballots will be opened and counted. If a quorum is not established, the meeting will be adjourned to a later date not more than 30 days from the original date. Subsequently, it is imperative that you vote and return your Ballot to our Property Manager as instructed.
To change or amend our Governing Documents requires the approval of 67% (essentially 2/3rds) of our homeowners. Considering, there are 128 homes in our association, we need a minimum of 86 votes in favor of the changes in order for the measure to pass.
The Board urges all homeowners to vote and return their ballots. Ballots can be returned by mail to our Property Manager Company, or can be brought to the Special Meeting on September 16, 2017 to be counted.
Remember that the outside return envelope MUST BE SIGNED to be opened and counted. Unsigned envelops will only be counted toward establishing a quorum. If you did not sign your it is recommended you come to the ballot opening meeting to sign your envelop
Personalized Property Manager
68950 Adelina Road
Cathedral City, CA 92234
(760) 325-9500
Please review the Summary of Changes to the CC&Rs and Bylaws posted on the website