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Board Members

The Montage at Mission Hills Homeowners Association is governed by five homeowner volunteers elected annually in March and seated at the Annual General Homeowners Association Meeting. Each member of the Board serves a staggered two-year term.


   Tony Michaelis            Norm Giere                 Thomas Harp            Sue Johnson             Gary Roman

Meeting Schedule

The Montage at Mission Hills Homeowners Association Board of Directors meets six times a year, on alternating months beginning in January. Meetings at 9:30 am on the second Friday of the month in the following months:

  • January
  • March (preceding the Annual General Homeowners Association Meeting)
  • May
  • July
  • September
  • November

Special Board meetings may be called as needed.

Meetings are held at the offices of Personalized Property Management: 69850 Adelina Road, Cathedral City. For a map to the PPM office Click Here.

Please check the Montage Bulletin Board on the wall at the DaVinci/Van Gogh corner, or the website, for actual dates and times. Meeting notices and agendas for regular and special meetings are posted at least four days prior to the meeting.

Homeowners are invited to attend Board meetings and may speak during the Open Forum portion of the meeting. The board is restricted to only discussing items on the published agenda. Therefore, if a homeowner would like an item placed on the agenda they should call the Property Manager or Board President at least 10 days prior to the meeting to make arrangements.

The Minutes of the Board of Directors can be downloaded and viewed by Clicking Here.

Board Committees

Board Committees meet as necessary upon the decision of the Committee Chair. For the dates and times of the next committee meeting please check the Montage Bulletin Board (at the DaVinci/Van Gogh corner), or the website.